Hi, I’m Sarah! Welcome to my little neck of the internet!

The kitchen is my happy place, and most likely you’ll find me surrounded by cookbooks, meal planning and testing new recipes, apron on, with something smudged on my face or stuck in my hair, dancing like nobody’s watching.

This newsletter is my way of sharing that joy with you through meal plans, recipes, and my favorite kitchen-y things.

My goal is to help you answer that age old “what’s for dinner” question before everyone is already starving and learn that a little planning can go a long way.

Whether you just need some fresh ideas or absolutely have no idea where to start, I hope to provide a little inspiration for your own kitchen adventures.

When you subscribe to In This Kitchen (where it’s all totally free!), you’ll get a weekly email straight to your inbox with what I’m cooking each week (because I’m a Nosy Nelly who loves to know what other people are eating and figure you must be too), at least one featured recipe of the week (with accessible ingredients because is there anything more annoying than having to scour three different stores to find what you need), and whatever else I feel like sharing (my favorite squeeze bottles…the newest cookbook I’m reading cover-to-cover…pictures of my dogs…).

I’m so glad you’re here, and I can’t wait to have some fun!

Subscribe to In This Kitchen

Meal plans, recipes, and stories design to inspire, excite, and entertain you in your own kitchen adventures!


meal planner extraordinaire, recipe developer and writer, wife and mom to the chief taste testers, all around food obessessed.